Nicholas R. David

Sun Research Group, University of Michigan, Materials Science & Engineering


#2001 Herbert H. Dow

2300 Hayward Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

I am a second year Ph.D. student studying Materials Science Engineering and Scientific Computing at the University of Michigan.
My research focuses on data-driven materials discovery though the use of machine learning, natural language processing, and bayesian statistics.
In particular, I’m interested in developing new predictive synthesis models that not only gauge the `synthesizability’ of a material, but also yield the recipes to do so.
I received my B.S. in Materials Science Engineering, with an additional major in Applied Physics, from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.


Apr 04, 2024 I am awarded the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Total award amount: $159,000 / 3 years
Nov 13, 2023 I present graduate admissions research at the MIDAS Data Science Summit!
Aug 01, 2022 I start my Ph.D. in Materials Science Engineering and Scientific Computing at the University of Michigan.

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  1. nature_computational_ai_synth_2023.png
    The promise and pitfalls of AI for molecular and materials synthesis
    Nicholas David ,  Wenhao Sun ,  and  Connor W. Coley
    Nature Computational Science, 2023